(ADHD) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Specialist Dr. Yaprak Arslan Psychiatrist & Psychotherapist

Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder in Adults

Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder is a disease that is also quite common in adults and has a high rate of familial transmission.

Attention Deficit

In jobs that require responsibility; difficulty concentrating, forgetfulness, disorganization, inability to organize work

Avoiding tasks that require patience and focus

Inability to complete tasks

Seemingly not listening when spoken to

Frequently forgetting things

Unproductive work

Inability to make plans

*These symptoms are not observed during activities that the person is interested in and enjoys

Hyperactivity and Impulsivity

Quick boredom



Quick decision making

Inability to wait one's turn

Interrupting others

Uzm. Dr. Yaprak Arslan
Psikiyatrist & Psikoterapist